The biggest selection of eBooks and Audiobooks from Kindle in Literature & Fiction, Foreign Languages, Religion & Spirituality, Business, Romance, History, Kids, Non-fiction, Chick Lit, Mysteries, Thrillers and Science Fiction. Some Kindle questions from readers: Q1. How do I turn off the annoying Kindle singles crap that takes up half of my Kindle's screen?! Menu - Settings - Device options - Personalize your Kindle - Advanced Options - Cover View Recommendations - Off. Eharmony describe yourself. The Kindle Singles store, according to its editor David Blum, is 'like a bookstore where the manager also edits the books.' Blum is that manager-editor, and under his guidance the store has.
Reading Time: 2minutesBlogs have started incorporating 'reading time' plugins into their posts. If the post takes five minutes or ten minutes, it's often displayed on the blog post. Makes it pretty simple to know, going into it, how much time you should allocate to read a certain post.
Now, it seems, Amazon is doing the same thing. There have been some changes to Kindle Singles, and if you haven't checked this out you should, because the added exposure could really benefit your book if it meets this criteria.
Here is a redesign of the Amazon Kindle Singles page. Now their short books are being identified by the time it takes to read them: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and so on. Take a look:
Per Amazon, you can propose books that are current on the Amazon site or you can pitch them an idea. But if you have a book that fits their guidelines (listed below), it could be a great way to gain some additional exposure because, from what I hear, the singles and short reads are gaining a lot of traction, especially with recent site enhancements like this:
Here is what I got from Amazon related to short reads and singles:
You may propose any content you own the digital rights to for consideration as a Kindle Single. We consider books recently published via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), manuscripts or pitches. To nominate your self-published book, send us the title, ASIN, and a brief summary of your work. If it's not yet published in the Kindle Store, please provide either a manuscript or pitch and a writing sample. All manuscripts submitted as attachments must be accompanied by a cover letter with a detailed summary of the submission.
To qualify, works must have a word count between 5,000 and 30,000 words. At this time, the following works are not being considered for Kindle Singles: how-to manuals, public domain works, reference books, travel guides, short story collections, and children's books. Complete guidelines can be found at
Please send your submission details to Your proposal will be reviewed within 6 weeks, and you will be notified by email about our decision.
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Submitting your work to the Kindle Singles: What you need to know.
Authors and publishers are free to upload content that they wholly own for consideration to the Kindle Singles. Amazon will not consider public domain works or works that are currently or have been available or published elsewhere.
The word count must be between 5,000 to 30,000 words.
Authors/publisher must have a publishing account at Amazon and format the work correctly.
Formatting, as you may know, can be a major problem. We format for the Kindle Singles alone and/or for your entire book. West hook up in geneva.
Why is formatting important? Why not just send in a PDF or Word document and hope for the best?
Where to sign up for publishing on the Kindle.
Authors/publishers can sign up at
How do I get Amazon to review and approve my Kindle Singles work?
Amazon Kindle Singles Program
Once the book is published, the author/publisher must send Kindle an email with the following info.
Here is a redesign of the Amazon Kindle Singles page. Now their short books are being identified by the time it takes to read them: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and so on. Take a look:
Per Amazon, you can propose books that are current on the Amazon site or you can pitch them an idea. But if you have a book that fits their guidelines (listed below), it could be a great way to gain some additional exposure because, from what I hear, the singles and short reads are gaining a lot of traction, especially with recent site enhancements like this:
Here is what I got from Amazon related to short reads and singles:
You may propose any content you own the digital rights to for consideration as a Kindle Single. We consider books recently published via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), manuscripts or pitches. To nominate your self-published book, send us the title, ASIN, and a brief summary of your work. If it's not yet published in the Kindle Store, please provide either a manuscript or pitch and a writing sample. All manuscripts submitted as attachments must be accompanied by a cover letter with a detailed summary of the submission.
To qualify, works must have a word count between 5,000 and 30,000 words. At this time, the following works are not being considered for Kindle Singles: how-to manuals, public domain works, reference books, travel guides, short story collections, and children's books. Complete guidelines can be found at
Please send your submission details to Your proposal will be reviewed within 6 weeks, and you will be notified by email about our decision.
Share this article with these tweetables:
Submitting your work to the Kindle Singles: What you need to know.
Authors and publishers are free to upload content that they wholly own for consideration to the Kindle Singles. Amazon will not consider public domain works or works that are currently or have been available or published elsewhere.
The word count must be between 5,000 to 30,000 words.
Authors/publisher must have a publishing account at Amazon and format the work correctly.
Formatting, as you may know, can be a major problem. We format for the Kindle Singles alone and/or for your entire book. West hook up in geneva.
Why is formatting important? Why not just send in a PDF or Word document and hope for the best?
Where to sign up for publishing on the Kindle.
Authors/publishers can sign up at
How do I get Amazon to review and approve my Kindle Singles work?
Amazon Kindle Singles Program
Once the book is published, the author/publisher must send Kindle an email with the following info.
Write to On time dating site free. Include your KDP account email address and the published book's ASIN number. Include a short description of the book's content.
If you don't want to go through the learning curve, we can also publish on your behalf.
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~ Hope this helps! Dr. Joyce Starr